Monday, January 7, 2008

Checking In...

Well Susann got on me for not posting as I should so we are sitting here watching the Ohio State game (Go Bucks!) at her place so I figured I'd update the Miller family on the Kroner family!

It was a busy holiday season with lots of work events, Christmas cookie makin, and spending time at home. It's been a bit difficult for me to travel lately for work as I've been missing the home life, especially these folks:
But, being home for 2 1/2 weeks was wonderful! In addition we got to spend some time (though it was a quick trip, with Rybolt and Baikal). It was wonderful to see Matt and Erin, the parents, and Susann and Shawn too (though I see them on a pretty often basis in DC!)

Other than that, we spent the majority of the past few months cheering and crying over our beloved Bengals. As most of you know, we left my favorite sister's (and new brother in laws) wedding weekend a bit earlier for a quicker than anticipated to be on the sidelines for the Pittsburg (or as I refer to them, the S$$itsburg) Steelers / Cincinnati Bengals game. It was amazing! (well until we lost :( ) Here are some pictures from that event....

Honeymoon, Etc

We're about 80 days into marriage, so far, so good! The honeymoon was fantastic... we went to Paris, Rome, and Florence for 12 days. Stayed in some amazing places. Ate some delicious food.

All the photos are online, so I'll post the link to those (http:// ), if you have any interest in looking at a lot of old buildings and some schmoopy newleyweds.

Once we returned, holiday season got into full swing. Dozens of parties, lots of miles of driving, and a new puppy later, we are getting ready to enjoy some weekends at home. Our newest addition to the family, Beau, joined us Thanksgiving weekend, when someone we know was going to have to give him up for adoption. He's now a 4 month old Jack Russell, and as Shawn says "all boy". I say he's a "little shit". But Daisy's loving having a built in playmate, even if he does terrorize her. They are smiling nicely in this picture. Trust me. They usually aren't this calm.